Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Witnessing in the Workplace: Ginseng Boss Part 2

The glory of God! At work! Today! Hallelujah!!!

God moved at work today! Guess what?

Ginseng boss is/might be interested in coming to church!!! And he might bring a posse!
HOLY COW! All this from one conversation? God is moving! He is powerful!

Basically he's interested because his sister is a churchgoer who has not been going to church recently. That's how he described her. Don't ask me. So he was interested in my church because its in Frankston, near the workplace.

Boss: Stephen, what time was your church service again?

Stephen: About 10am and I finish at 1pm. Do you need me to come in on Sunday?

Boss: Naah. Nothing like that. Just that Alice here works on a Sunday. And she is interested in going to church. So I was thinking since your church is nearby she might be able to go there.

Stephen: Cool. What about you?

Boss: Well, I have to open the restaurant at 12.

Stephen: Oh, that's cool. Service ends at quarter to (12). (Although it doesn't usually cause we fail to end on time).

Boss: Oh alright.

Stephen: So you can come if you want.

Boss: Well, the only reason I would come to church would be to accompany my sister who is a churchgoer.

Stephen: So she doesn't go to church now?

Boss: Not recently because of her work schedule. But she wants to go badly. She is a strong believer. Can I get your church address?

Stephen: I don't have it on me now. I'll bring it tomorrow.

HOW AWESOME?!?!?!? Lots of prayer needed. Basically one of the questions he asked was.. lots of people go there yea? I'm like... not really, we're a small church. SO I REALLY HOPE that he won't mind going to a small church and the CONVENIENCE will OVERPOWER the smallness. I also told him we're heavily Asian so that might be a good thing!

LORD, please work here! I did my best! The rest is up to you! Well, I should still pray fervently. Not exactly a strength of mine. But I should improve.

I actually have a major interview tomorrow. Ahh! God, go there before me and may your favour rest on me. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Stepehn! Wei Jun from CIty Centre here =D.
    Its been really great and encouraging reading your testimony haha! Has inspired to do evax as well!! :)
    Praise God! :)
    Jiayou stepehn
