Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Weekly Update 060709: Tract Mission and Jakey makes a Power Play

For those of you who know me, I've been working at a telemarketing company, Telesynergy owned and operated by Indians. I'm not exactly the best at it and have contemplated quitting it for ages. Will probably do so in the near future but that's not the point. The point is I was convicted that I can't leave my workplace without having reached out to some people. I can't just talk about evangelism and not do it. I'd be a crummy hypocrite, the type Jesus hates. From my conversations with several nice and intelligent Indians, I singled out two gentlemen.

1. Sanjay - Incredible gentleman. He gets scolded by the boss numerous times but still carries on cheerfully. In the end the fruitlessness took its toll and he left the job. We had a few conversations about God. Sanjay is a religious man, surprisingly not an out and out Hindu. He is (unknowingly) a subscriber to pluralism, believing in "all gods".

2. Anhkit. An Australian born Indian although he has Iranian or Persian blood or something like that. He has expressed an interest in Christianity. Very loud, boisterous and friendly.

I have acquired the contact numbers for both gentlemen. So I can reach them without having to go to work there. My mission: to give them a tract each. I will acquire their address and send them a tract together with a letter and see how they respond. Maybe I can invite them to church but they do live miles and miles away.


A powerful mate of mine, Jake sent me a very exciting and encouraging text a few days back. He said from conversations with a mutual friend of ours, said friend is close to salvation! I don't know the details yet. Gonna find out soon! Not sure if I should reveal the person's identity yet. Have to ask Jakey.

Till next time,

In Christ,

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