Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Salvation is here
Salvation is here and He lives in me
Salvation is here
Salvation that died just to set me free
Salvation is here
Salvation is here and He lives in me
Salvation is here

Its true!!! Its true!!! God is gracious! We have seen the first salvation of the year in Frankston!
How wondrous, how glorious it is to witness a person moving from darkness to light! It is the work of the Holy Spirit, a miracle. For only God can change a person's heart. No amount of persuasion of ours would work without God's hand.

It was one of those things where everything fell into place perfectly, so perfectly that it could only have been orchestrated by God. All I did was to be obedient in witnessing!
I had planned to go with Hannah to witness to her friend after church on Sunday. Problem was, my friend Jo Ann also planned to come visit me and I was also meant to go have dinner with David and his friend. I'm like... agh.. overcommitting yet again.
But David had already met his friend without me on Saturday night. Then, Jo Ann stalled too long and decided not to come. So my whole evening was free.

FLASHBACK: April 09' HOPE Oceania Convention. I decided to be serious about my witness in Frankston. I told the Lord I would fast (or abstain) from my favourite snack, chocolate especially chocolate bars i.e. Snickers, Picnic, Time Out until I see the first salvation in Frankston. So everytime I saw chocolate, I was reminded of my desperate need to witness (because not being able to eat chocolate is no fun at all! haha..).

After witnessing, I waited for a sign from the person to confirm to me that the person was ready to accept Jesus. The person said some things which confirmed it to me. I explained what accepting Jesus meant using the EE points (1. Repent 2. Believe in Jesus, his death and resurrection 3. Accept Jesus as saviour 4. Accept Jesus as Lord) then I lead the person in the sinner's prayer.

After that, the person offered me chocolate and I was about to reject it but as I held it in my hand it dawned upon me that my fast was over! It was the Lord's way of telling me good job, son. Here, have some chocolate.

As I rejoiced on the way home, the enormity of what I had just done started to sink in. The Lord had used me (and Hannah of course!) for His glory! To turn a sinner to salvation! There was no greater thing you could do on this planet! There is no greater joy!*

I was feeling downright low, no I was crushed the day before because of my job situation. But the Lord was gracious. The Lord reminded me once again of my purpose in life! I do not live to be the best marketer around! I live for Jesus! I live to share the gospel of grace! I started jumping around my room like a monkey praising God (thank God I was home alone) and shouting at the top of my voice. I knew I had to shower so I continued praising God there. I kept singing Salvation is Here and Shout Unto God by Hillsong United. You know how when God touches people, they usually weep. Now that happens to me too, sometimes because of the guilt of my sin (
Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret 2 Corinthians 7:10) sometimes because of intense stress but how God usually touches me is by infusing me with an incredible sense of joy that manifests itself in "holy laughter" or "laughing in the spirit". You know how people usually break down during slow, worshipful songs? There I was being a monkey in the shower singing Shout Unto God (A real fist pumping song)... and ZAP! I broke down... laughing!

As wounds which mar the chosen one, bring many sons to glory!

*To be politically correct, the only greater thing you could do is accept Jesus yourself and the joy of your own salvation should be the greatest joy.

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