Friday, July 24, 2009

Healing & Campus Evax

At lifegroup we just wrapped up the book of James. A favourite of mine. Lots of key scriptures in there including...

James 5:
14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective.

One of my favourite passages, it talks about the power of prayer in healing. It has worked for me before. God has actually used me to bring about healing in a way that to me is amazing. A minor miracle. I have prayed for people with limps and they no longer limp after prayer.

So it was really interesting what happened yesterday. I was on the way to buy food for LG (KFC Wicked Wings! The bomb!) when I met an acquaintance of mine who was on crutches. She was a Muslim girl. Now I haven't actually done much evangelizing to Muslims before but I boldly asked if I could pray for her. I told her God had healed people before through my prayers. She allowed me to and I prayed.

Nothing tangible happened. She still walked with a limp and she wasn't healed.

Amazingly, I wasn't discouraged. Previously, I would always be discouraged when people weren't healed. But this time I wasn't. I knew in my heart that I had obeyed and that was enough! I knew this in theory ages ago but to actually experience it was novel.

Later that night Kelv and I prayed for Jake who had back and knee injuries. Despite our wholehearted prayers there was no change.

Twice in a day eh? It matters not. The Lord is sovereign. He heals when He wills. All we are called to do is pray. And I will keep on doing that even though I see no fruit till the day He calls me home.


Campus Evax (Evangelism) is something that has been dead and buried in HOPE Melbourne. While the campus evax scene has been thriving in Brisbane, universities under HOPE Melbourne have not been 'campus evax-ed' to for ages.

So we started again this week, merely handing out fliers for a CCM (Campus Christian Movement) event. I wasn't there. It was a team led by the capable Hannah! Incredibly, first time in ages doing campus evax and God brought fruit out of our labour! A new guy (Christian) came to the meeting! Let's hope he stays and that he joins HOPE Frankston as well.

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