Monday, August 24, 2009

Soldiering On

Nothing very interesting to report. In the time I haven't blogged I have witnessed to a bunch of different people in different ways.

  • I spent an afternoon with a strong atheist friend having a constructive argument (debate?) with him about the validity of Christ's claims to be God and defending Christianity's relevance.
  • I failed to share Christ much with my friend's mom but I suspect others already have. I didn't feel led to share with her at length, strangely enough. I may have missed the Spirit's leading. I won't know. I ended up giving her a tract my good ol' dad wrote as I drove her to the airport.
  • I continued witnessing to a friend I have been witnessing to all through the year. Defences still strong. The apathy of this person humbles me. It reduces my best arguments to dust. Yet I am confident that whenever Christ is preached, God can use the words I've spoken. His word will not return void.
Have you witnessed this week?

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